Friday, July 8, 2016


 My ruins

My castle on the mountain
         Do you ever feel like you've  built a castle on a mountain so firm that nothing can topple it, but suddenly an earthquake shakes everything until all you have left is ruins. I feel like something is absolutely ruining everything I do, even if it just includes walking. My dreamland is ruined.Why is the universe like that!Sometimes it sucks when you don't have connection with god.
         I don't know how to rebuild my castle though, because someone brought it down. My mother told me to pay no mind to and to ignore people like that but it's too late. How can I not let them inside my head? All I've got is two pieces of wood and no support beams. But It will hold!


  1. Hi Molly. I like how honest you are in this poem and I like the metaphors you used. My answer, to your question "How can I not let them inside my head?" is BOUNDARIES! Always remember what belongs to you and what doesn't. What other people feel, say, and do is about them, not you. What YOU feel, say, and do is about you. Your poem tells me that you you need to remember and practice your boundaries. Reflect and respond to others as opposed to reacting.
